Comparison Kills Creativity – A Reminder to Artists

This weekend, the Hermitcraft SMP started up and my YouTube feed was filled with new videos of starter houses and fun adventures. As I started watch, I caught myself comparing my building skills to the youtubers I was watching and feeling discouraged. I knew that the thirty minute videos I was watching were a veryContinue reading “Comparison Kills Creativity – A Reminder to Artists”

The Pros of Joining a Multiplayer Minecraft Server

With a new Minecraft update, Caves and Cliffs Part 2, right around the corner it is the perfect time to join a server. Many servers are starting a new world, and everyone is excited about the new terrain changes. If you haven’t played on a multiplayer server, also known as an SMP, you might beContinue reading “The Pros of Joining a Multiplayer Minecraft Server”

What is Minecraft?

Minecraft® is a game for those who love to create, survive, and build. Mojang® released Minecraft in 2011 on November 18th, at the MineCon® keynote. Since then over 17,510,500 (as of 2014) people have bought the PC/Mac version. My favorite thing about Minecraft is that you can play by yourself, or with your friends andContinue reading “What is Minecraft?”

“Master Bruce is Expecting You” a tour of The Wayne Mansion

Honestly this week I was stumped as to what to write about. After brainstorming for several hours throughout the day, I was telling my mom about this thing my brother had shown me how to do on Minecraft® that I am planning on using in the Bat Cave, when it hit me. I decided to writeContinue reading ““Master Bruce is Expecting You” a tour of The Wayne Mansion”

A Minecraft® Snow Day

I currently live in a place where winter feels more like fall and spring combined and snow never falls. This year I decided that I would still get to play in the snow, just in a different way than most people would even think of. I invited my brother, Caleb (who is almost 8), to join meContinue reading “A Minecraft® Snow Day”

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