Comparison Kills Creativity – A Reminder to Artists

This weekend, the Hermitcraft SMP started up and my YouTube feed was filled with new videos of starter houses and fun adventures. As I started watch, I caught myself comparing my building skills to the youtubers I was watching and feeling discouraged. I knew that the thirty minute videos I was watching were a veryContinue reading “Comparison Kills Creativity – A Reminder to Artists”

What is Minecraft?

Minecraft® is a game for those who love to create, survive, and build. Mojang® released Minecraft in 2011 on November 18th, at the MineCon® keynote. Since then over 17,510,500 (as of 2014) people have bought the PC/Mac version. My favorite thing about Minecraft is that you can play by yourself, or with your friends andContinue reading “What is Minecraft?”

Review of Star Wars: Thrawn by Timothy Zahn

(I make a commission for purchases made through links in this post.) I just finished my first semester of college (Yay!). These last few months I have written tons of essays, including this one. I wrote this review for a college writing assignment in November about one of my all time favorite Star Wars® books.Continue reading “Review of Star Wars: Thrawn by Timothy Zahn”

The Power of Wonder Woman

Over the last several months I have been writing a lot of essays for school about a lot of different things, and this one is about one of my favorite DC super heroes: Wonder Woman.  Since the movie Wonder Woman (2017) came out, some people have been criticizing it. One of the main debates isContinue reading “The Power of Wonder Woman”

Why Batman?

Why Batman®? Why is he my favorite superhero? Why did I choose him as the mentor for the main character of one of my fan fictions? Many people don’t know the version of him I know. When I think of Batman, I think of the version that was portrayed in the animated tv series, Justice LeagueContinue reading “Why Batman?”

Fairies and Butterfly Wings

“If You Were an Insect, What Kind Would You be and Why?” To be honest, I have no desire to ever be an insect no matter how pretty, creepy or cool they are. However, thanks to the help of my dad, grandma and mom I came up with an idea that is out of the box… 🙂Continue reading “Fairies and Butterfly Wings”

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