About this Blog

Welcome to At the Sky’s Limit! I’m the resident author, ClaraFi!

At the Sky’s Limit one of my creative outlets, where I can share my creative writing with the interwebs. Here I will write about playing Minecraft, share stories I have written, talk about writing and art, and share many other things.

Behind The Name

At the Sky’s Limit – an idea. It all started in 2013 when I started a fashion game blog called Sky’s Limit (the Sky’s the Limit was already taken ;( ). I love the name and the idea behind it of the sky being our only limit in creativity. So, when finding myself full of ideas to write but with no place to share – I created this blog. Now the sky is my limit…. From a certain point of view at least.

Behind the Tagline

Artist. Gamer. Writer. Creator.

Those words are all titles. Each one carries its own meaning and stereotypes. To me, the first three sum up the ways I express my creativity; I create art, play games, and write.

Note: I officially started this blog in November of 2021, however I’ve been writing since 2015. Some of the posts you will find here are from before this blog was a thought. They are the reason I wanted to start this blog, because I want a place to continue to share my creative writing. So, if you notice the date is pretty old or the tone is different sometimes, that is why. That means some links won’t work. And while I intend to go back and update some of my older content, some of it will stay the way it is – frozen in time.

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