Fairies and Butterfly Wings

“If You Were an Insect, What Kind Would You be and Why?”

To be honest, I have no desire to ever be an insect no matter how pretty, creepy or cool they are. However, thanks to the help of my dad, grandma and mom I came up with an idea that is out of the box… 🙂 And I love going out of the box!

“But If Your Mind is Open and Your Heart Just Has to Know, Your Wings Will Take Farther You Than You Ever Thought You’d Go.” ~Disney®, Secret of the Wings

Recently, my family has bought and watched (over 10 times each) 3 Disney Fairy movies: Secret of The Wings, Tinker Bell and The Lost Treasure, and Tinker Bell and The Great Fairy Rescue. Combined, these movies and my family’s advice started me thinking about how fun it would be to be a Pixie Hollow Fairy!

What Type of Fairy?

There are a lot of different talents in Pixie Hollow, but my three favorites are the Bakers, Tinkers and Water Fairies. The more I think about it however I believe I would be a tinker just like Tinker Bell.

Why a Tinker?

Because tinkers specialize in creating and building the most awesome devices out of parts nobody else wants and I love taking things my mom would through away and using them to make something awesome and useful.

My Favorite Things About Fairies

 I think living in Pixie Hollow with all those fairies and being able to build something when I wanted to would be awesome! But more than that I also think I would learn a lot about God’s Creation… 🙂
In one of the movies, you see an animal fairy painting a butterfly wing and another animal talent fairy teaching the crickets to sing. Though I could never be an animal talent fairy (I really dislike skunks) I still think that being able to watch the animal talent fairies would be a fantastic adventure!
I also think Queen Clarion (the ruler of Pixie Hollow) is one of the wisest queens ever, and I would not have to much difficulty living under her rule. Not only that, but her outfits are just Dazzlying! I would be asking her for fashion advice often. 🙂 I am a rule follower (at least most of the time) which oddly enough sometimes drives my mom nuts, so living in Pixie Hollow wouldn’t be to difficult for me or the Queen… Unlike a certain fairy (Tinker Bell) who gets in trouble all the time.
Being able to visit any season at anytime, learning about and meeting some of my favorite fairies, learn how to ice-skate from a frost fairy… My fairy bucket list could go on forever!
But my biggest thing is to get to be me and enjoy the ups and downs of being a fairy… Who knows, They might be real!

Final Notes…

I know that fairies aren’t insects… But being one is one of my many dreams. Thank you for reading this post and if you have any questions about Disney Fairies or an opinion, please leave a comment!
Fly With You ~ Sky Swallowtail aka Clara Blevins
I got the image I used from the lady at www.faeryink.com … 🙂
Screenshots of Disney Fairies where taken while watching Disney’s Secret of the Wings

Published by ClaraFi

My name is Clara and I have a B.A. in Graphic Communication. I enjoy a range of projects, from more traditional art to graphic design. In the design realm, I particularly enjoy doing layout design, creating both posters and multipage documents. Of the traditional arts, drawing is my personal favorite. In my spare time, I also enjoy photography and painting. At The Sky’s Limit is my place to share my hobbies and write creatively. I also stream on Twitch - playing games, working on art, and playing games with friends. I play on a Minecraft server, The Parlor SMP. I also do commissions - often on stream!

7 thoughts on “Fairies and Butterfly Wings

  1. Clara, I love your article but I LOVE LOVE LOVE your skills with PicMonkey! You are really developing an ability there (maybe you already had it and I’m just now seeing it)! Your pictures totally MAKE your article! Great job! Thank you for linking up! Looking forward to reading your article next week…. “In 20 years”!!


  2. Hey Clara, great post! I also like the way you edited all those pictures, it really gives them a different feeling! By the way I notice you had a picture of the Monarch Butterfly, that’s my favorite butterfly! Anyway great post!


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